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Friday, January 12, 2018


The 35TH All India Conference of All India RMS and MMS Employees Union, Mailguards and Multi Tasking Staff Group’C’ was held from 7th to 10th January Com. D. Ganaiah Nagar ex SG NFPTE ( Sri Rama Seva Urs Mandali Kalyana Mantapa. K.R.Vanam. Behind – Sharada Vilas College MYSORE SOUTH (Post) Mysore -570008.( Karnataka) . The Venue of the Conference was Named ‘Com. D. Ganaiah Nagar ex SG NFPTEBoarding halls Named Com. O.P.GUPTA Hall , Our Former General Secretary RIV and Secretary General NFPTE. . Conference Hall Named Com. Bhagwan Dss, ex GS R4. Conference Stage Named Com. G.S.Nagaendra, Manch ex CS R3. Dining Hall Named Com. C.V. Ananda ex CS R4.

The Conference was historic in many aspects. A large number of delegates and visitors i.e. 650 paid delegates and nearly 700 Visitors/others attended the conference after long time this was the first conference to draw such a large gathering. The conference was addressed by many senior trade union leaders. The conference held purposeful discussions on problems and took appropriate decisions.

The Conference Commenced at 10.00 hrs on 07-01-2018 with the hoisting of National Flag by Com.P.Kamaleshan ex VP CHQ, CS R3 & Advocate, NFPE Flag was hoisted by Com. Giriraj Singh President NFPE, & General Secretary R3 NFPE . NFPE R4 Flag was hoisted by Com. N.R.Malivya R4 All India President . Floral tributes were paid to martyrs who dedicated and laid their lives for the welfare of the working class, by various trade union leaders and Reception committee at the martyr’s column.

The Open Session began at about 11.00 hrs. it was Presided over by Com N.R.Malivya , the President of our Union, Zakir Hussian Asst Secrertary Reception Committee delivered his welcome address to the delegates of the Conference. under the leadership of Com. A.Sreenivasa Working Chairman, Com G.Uday Shankar Rao General Secretary and their Team of Reception Committee felicitated , honoured with shawls and mementoes to All Guests and Leaders. Com. Sreenivasa Working Chairman Reception Committee Presided Open Session . The Conference was Inaugurated by Com. T.Narasimhan National Vice President AITUC New Delhi, in his inaugural address he dwelt upon the origin of India Post, its importance and the struggles of the postal staff. Chief Guests Shri. C.H.Vijayashankar. ex Hon’ble forest Minister Govt of Karnataka & ex Member of Parliament Mysore, Com. R.N.Parashar Secretary General NFPE & General Secretary P3 NFPE, Com C.C.Pillai ex Secretary General, Shri. Dr. Charles Lobo CPMG Karnataka Circle, Com. Giriraj Singh President NFPE & General Secretary R III, Com. S.B.Yadhav General Secretary Postal Accounts Asso, Com. R.Seethalakshmi ex General Secretary PIV, Com. P.Kamaleshan , ex VP CHQ, CS R3 & Advocate, Com. P.V.Rajendran President CHQ RIII, Com. K.K.Sharma Vice-President NFPE, Com. P.Suresh General Secretary R IV NFPE, Circle Secretaries of Karnataka Circle NFPE, and other leaders attended addressed in the open session. Vote of thanks given by Com. Com G.Uday Shankar Rao General Secretary Reception Committee.

Thorough discussion on agend items took place.

The following office –bearers were elected unanimously for the next session.

President            Com. I.P.Shaik                    MTS   RMS ‘L’Division      ( Maharastara)
Vice-President     1 Com. Prem PrakashII           MTS Delhi Stg Division ( Delhi)
Vice-President     2 Com. V.Babu                         MG Bangalore Stg Division ( Karnataka)
Vice-President     3 Com. Sanjay Dhar Dubey      MTS RMS ‘A’ Division Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)
General Secretary         Com. P. Suresh              MG Hyd Sorting Sorting ( Telangana)

Assistant General 1 Com. C.M.Ravindernath      MTS RMS ‘CT’ Division ( Kerala)
                               2 Com. Goutam A More           MTS Central Sorting Division                  
                              3 Com. J.Sridhara                    MTS Bangalore Stg Division ( Karnataka)
                             4 Com. Manabendra Singh        MTS RMS ‘SG’ Division ( West Bengal)
                             5 Com. Md. Muktar Ahmed       MTS RMS ‘Z’ Division Hyd (Telangana)
                             6 Com. R.K.Pagi                        MTS RMS ‘W’ Division Vadadora( Gujarat)
                             7 Com. R.Santhanam                MTS Chennai Sorting Division (                                                                                                 Tamilnadu)
                                    8 Com. T.Kannaiah                   MG RMS ‘TP’ Division Tirupathi(Andhra                                                                                         Pradesh)
                             9 Com. G.V.Shinde                    MTS MMS Mumbai ( Maharastra)

Treasurer             Com . K.K.Sharma                    MTS Air Mail Division ( Delhi)

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